Bosnia and Herzegovina Map: Country Profile, Geography, History and Interesting Facts

  • Area: 51,200 square kilometres
  • Population: 3.8 million
  • Capital: Sarajevo

Covering 51,200 square kilometres, and with a population of 3.8 million, Sarajevo is the capital of the country. 

Bosnia and Herzegovina Map and Bordering Countries

Nestled between Croatia, Serbia, Montenegro, Bosnia and Herzegovina has a narrow stretch of land along the Adriatic Sea. Mighty Dinaric Alps stretches along its western border. The Sava and Nervertva are notable rivers which drain the country.

Geography of Bosnia and Herzegovina

 With more than 200 waterfalls, Bosnia and Herzegovina has more waterfalls than Italy, France, and Germany combined. The picture-perfect Kravica waterfall along the Trebizat River is the most popular one. 

Around 40 per cent of this country is covered in lush, green forests. Perućica is one of the last remaining rainforests in Europe On the other hand, nearly 50 per cent of the land is dedicated to agriculture and livestock activities.

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