
Australia Map: Country Profile, Geography, History and Interesting Facts

Area: 7,741,220 sq km Population: 25.5 million (Januar 2024) Capital: Canberra. Australia Map and Bordering Countries Australia is bordered by the Indian Ocean to the west and the...

Australia Map: Country Profile, Geography, History and Interesting Facts

Area: 7,741,220 sq km Population: 25.5 million (Januar 2024) Capital: Canberra. Australia Map and Bordering Countries Australia is bordered by the Indian Ocean to the west and the...
Ganesh Kadam

Australia Map: Country Profile, Geography, History and Interesting Facts

Area: 7,741,220 sq km Population: 25.5 million (Januar 2024) Capital: Canberra. Australia Map and Bordering Countries Australia is bordered by the Indian Ocean to the west and the...